
A Simple Blog Post For A Simple Script

SimpleBatch is a tool that makes use of REAPER’s batch processor via the command line. Simply put:

If you have 1,000 files that all need to be run through an FX Chain with a compressor, a high pass filter, a pinch of reverb, and a limiter, then SimpleBatch can help streamline that process. All you need to do is create an FX Chain in Reaper and export it at the root level of your SimpleBatch folder. Then place your source audio files in the \_raw\ subfolder and run “SimpleBatch.bat”. The script will then process all of your files through that FX Chain and output the files in the \_processed\ folder!

Video Walkthrough/Tutorial

SimpleBatch Download

NOTE: SimpleBatch only works on Windows. As of 10/31/2021, the portable install of Reaper included with SimpleBatch is running on Reaper v6.40. The download is archived as a .7z file, so you’ll need 7zip to extract it. A normal .zip wouldn’t compress enough for my website to allow uploading; apologies for any inconveniences. Enjoy!